Image of 多米尼克•Crenn, Michelin star chef, leaning over counter to chat with customer


Check out our top female chefs currently driving the Bay Area 烹饪 scene to new heights.

San Francisco 和 the Bay Area are communities proud of their diversity 和 welcoming spirit. 他们也很自豪被称为 烹饪 麦加. Nowhere is this double dynamic as evident as 在 region's strong legacy of female chefs 和 women-owned restaurants.

爱丽丝·沃特斯, who helped found the local 和 organic food movement back in 1971 when she opened Chez Panisse in Berkeley, to Joyce Goldstein fusing Mediterranean flavors with 加州's bounty for the first time in 1984 at San Francisco's Square One, women have been on the front lines of the Bay Area food scene for decades. 

Keep reading to meet some of the literally tastemaking women who are at the forefront of San Francisco cuisine today.


Few 烹饪 superstars have risen as fast as San Francisco chef 多米尼克•Crenn. After bringing her five-course tasting menu 和 intimate small dining room experience to the 滨区 2011年,她与Atelier Crenn合作,在巴黎开设了Petit Crenn餐厅 海斯谷 in 2015.

美国第一位女厨师.S. 挣两个 米其林星星 也是烹饪书的作者, Atelier Crenn:品味的蜕变, French-born Crenn is famous for her attention to detail on both the dinner 和 brunch menus, the latter featuring st和-out items like the Brittany Coast-style buckwheat crepes filled with lobster mushrooms, 陈年山羊奶酪和鸡蛋. 

Pim Techamuanvivit

在曼谷出生和长大, Pim Techamuanvivit has single-h和edly upped the game on Thai food in San Francisco at critically acclaimed Kin Khao (which means “let’s eat”).

比如考门盖(鸡脂饭), ginger-poached chicken 和 Pim’s own secret sauce) created from produce 和 meats sourced from local farms have helped to win Kin Khao a Michelin star. 椰子和黑米布丁甜点也很受欢迎.


米其林星级获奖厨师兼老板 弗朗西丝 在 卡斯特罗 和 奥克塔维亚 in 太平洋高地, 梅丽莎Perello is a star of San Francisco’s competitive fine dining scene.

Her seasonally changing menus are creative 和 expressly influenced by the Pacific Rim, 比如意大利宽面配海胆黄油, 快乐的西红柿, 还有寿司出现在菜单上. In 2016, Perello was a semi-finalist for the James Beard Award for “Best Chef West.”

Preeti Mistry

The genius behind the Indian street food-inspired menu (including curry topped pizzas) at Navi Kitchen in Emeryville, Preeti Misti从在谷歌餐厅工作到出现在 顶级大厨 成为湾区最炙手可热的年轻厨师之一.

的作者 聚湖海滩俱乐部食谱, 承诺有奥克兰灵魂的印度香料, is famous for specific menu items like tamarind coconut curry with cremini mushrooms 和 summer eggplant that have a devoted 和 die-hard following.

Wassana Korkhieola和Lalita Souksamlane

With two locations of their San Francisco institution Osha Thai, as well as 老挝表 in SoMa (这里专营老挝菜), sisters 和 co-owners Lalita Souksamlane 和 Wassana Korkhieola have been pleasing taste buds across the city for decades.

从仰光邓杰尼斯蟹到牛肉芥末卷, Osha餐厅的菜单和贝博体彩app一样开放, 尽管它是以东南亚特产为基础的.


Chef 梅丽莎·王 is a powerhouse, best known for her victory in Bravo's 全明星顶级厨师:洛杉矶. King's cooking style blends modern 加州 cuisine with Asian flavors, 她在贝博体彩app的许多米其林星级厨房工作过, 包括坎普顿广场, 卢斯, 和丽思卡尔顿餐厅.

目前在贝博体彩app工作, 她现在经营着一家专注于合作伙伴关系的企业, 烹饪经验, 还有她自己的酱料和香料生产线, 王酱.


贝琳达梁's career as a pastry chef started during her time at San Francisco's Gary Danko back in 1999. 在餐厅干得很成功之后, she traveled to Europe to train at renowned restaurants 和 patisseries in Paris, 巴塞罗那, 和哥本哈根.

Belinda returned to the Bay Area to work at Manresa Restaurant in Los Gatos, 加州, 米其林二星级餐厅, 在最终创造自己的空间之前, 著名的 b.法式蛋糕店. Locals 和 visitors alike line the block for their excellent kouign-amann (an almost flower shaped, 吃起来像焦糖羊角面包的酥皮), 金融家和难以置信的鞑靼人. 老实说,菜单上的任何东西都不会出错. 


其中一半的夫妻团队,创造了很多崇拜 国家鸟类条例取得的进展妮可Krasinski负责他们的糕点项目. Both restaurants are praised for their equally experimental 和 delicious menus, 哪一家的点心推车上有漂亮的小菜.

卡拉辛斯基对细节的关注令人难以置信, 这在蛋糕上表现出来, 摩丝, 还有其他美味佳肴和美味佳肴. 卡拉辛斯基和她的丈夫, 斯图尔特Brioza, 获得了2015年詹姆斯·比尔德基金会的最佳厨师:西部奖.


梅利莎·佩菲特(梅丽莎Perfit)在克鲁多酒吧(Bar Crudo)成立之初就加入了这家备受赞誉的酒吧, 当时她刚从烹饪学校毕业. 在短暂离开后向其他厨师学习, 她回来修改菜单,成为了行政总厨.

After seeing the acclaimed seafood spot through its first decade, she left to run the kitchen at “是Oysterette一家热闹的新海鲜餐厅在纽约掀起了波澜 玛丽娜


路易斯安那人, Chef Brenda draws inspiration from her diverse cultural heritage 和 her upbringing, when she was surrounded by the abundance of local seafood 和 produce in New Orleans.

在获得绘画学士学位后, 她决定去新奥尔良追寻她对烹饪的热爱, 她在哪里磨练了她的融合烹饪技巧. 在贝博体彩app, Brenda made a name for herself as an Executive Chef at the famed Oritalia 和 earned numerous accolades.

最终, 她开了第一家餐馆, 布伦达的, 专攻法国灵魂食品, 在田里脊. She also has 布伦达的 Meat 和 Three, a casual, lunch-y offshoot of the original. 无论你去哪,一定要点煎饼!

Alyssa Nakken


Beyond the world of food, women have been shaping San Francisco for most of its history. 从政治和职业体育到建筑和行动主义, get to know the incredible women who have made their mark 在 City by the Bay.

